Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like...

I'm preaching on several of Jesus' parables from Matthew this week. It's got me thinking of what Jesus might say if he were alive today.

I think a modern day mustard seed parable might go something like this:
The kingdom of heaven is like buying stock in some small, random, no-name company, forgetting about it, and then decades later realizing it’s made you a millionaire
It works because emphasizes something small becoming something big, but it loses something because the mustard plant was not a particularly desirable plant.

A contemporary yeast parable might be something this:

The kingdom of heaven is like a cell phone that doesn’t run out of batteries for days, no matter how long you talk or how much you text or how many pictures you take or receive.
Again, this loses something because Jesus using a woman as the protagonist was a bit shocking.

These aren't that great. What do you think? The kingdom of heaven is like...

1 comment:

Will Martin said...

I really like the contemporary "slant" on the parables. I like the expression that Bob used two Sundays ago, about looking through a lens. Sorry to be missing all of this helpful ministering. Will